驢得水 Mr.Donkey (5/21)

By Chinese Theater Club (other events)

Sun, May 5 2019 1:00 PM PST Mon, May 20 2019 11:30 PM PST

五月劇社spring quarter 的大戲驢得水是一部講述在民國時期的三民小學裡所發生的荒唐故事。 為了申請教育部經費而編造的謊言所引起的鬧劇到底該怎麼收拾。四位為了農村教育而努力的教師為了資金向教育部謊報"驢得水老師"的訊息,原以為沒人管的偏鄉學校盡突然收到教育部來訪電報。難道謊報驢老師的是會就此曝光?面對特派員的突查,三民國小的老師們該如何圓謊

Four passionate teachers devoted themselves into rural education. However, due to lack of funds, they decided to create a fake teacher profile that will bring them extra income from the ministry of education. Everything went well before the ministry of education sent agency to their school for special visit. Did they found out the lie? Will the teachers be punished for doing so? Check out the quartly show, Mr. Donkey, of May theater Club and find out what happens to the school and the teachers!

BTW There are English subtitles, so don't worry if you don't understand Mandarin.